The truth is I rarely thought about it at all. The Civil War responsible for bringing Franco to power had ended twenty-five years earlier. What I saw and experienced was a country at peace with a growing economy and a positive relationship with the United States. At the same time, my own country was in…
Author: admin
What do you think about the recent Spanish trend to rid the country of Franco era monuments and street names?
The monument removal and street name changes in Spain seem like a recent trend only because of current articles in the US press. Actually, the argument around this issue has been ongoing for decades. A Washington Post article on Google dates from l980. Now, forty years after Franco’s death the argument continues, although every time…
How long did it take you write your memoir?
First of all–if you are writing a memoir, don’t be discouraged by my answer. I’m embarrassed to say it took 10 years. If you are disciplined and make a plan, if you devote yourself to your project regularly, it won’t take 10 years. And if you find that sometimes illusive through-line early in the process,…